Ayahuasca wants you to know

Ayahuasca wants you to know…

I am not here to give you a comfortable feeling.

 I am here to work with your Soul.

To catalyze you into your emotions and clean you from the inside out. 

I am excellent in helping those who feel stuck, or need a fresh start

 …those who are depressed, addicted or chronically ill.

I will internally work with you to see your beliefs until you break open releasing you from your self-imposed bondage. 

Together we will navigate the feelings,

and emotions

and desires

that you stored in the depths of your Soul.

…the sensations you swallowed, that now feel like heat.

…the beliefs you were trying to hide from yourself.  

The emotional addictions that you keep you engaging with others that are harmful to them or yourself

We will bring them to the surface so you can release them. 

There is no more hiding, 

…no more running away, 

only a purging of repressed emotions,

and freeing of desires in order to move you forward in life.

A rebirth, a chance to choose new desires that are in harmony with true love.

I might seem incredibly mystical and magical, but it is really you.

I will change your life in a short amount of time. 

After we meet you will feel innocent again

…incredibly relieved, 

fresh and healthy. 

I will clear away your thoughts so that you can unite with your inner wisdom to receive needed insights that are in Truth.  

I will help you find your way back to your True Desires, your True Self

Divine Love if you ask…

I am not here to give you a comfortable feeling.

 I am here to catalyze you into your emotions and clean you from the inside out. 

I am excellent in helping those who feel stuck, or need a fresh start

 …those who are depressed, addicted or chronically ill.

I will internally work with you to see your beliefs until you break open releasing you from your self-imposed bondage. 

Together we will navigate the feelings that you stored in the depths of your subconscious.

…the sensations you swallowed, 

…the beliefs you were trying to hide from yourself.  

We will bring them to the surface and so you can release them. 

There is no more hiding, 

…no more running away, 

only a purging of repressed emotions in order to move you forward in life.

I might seem incredibly mystical and magical, but it is really you. 

I will change your life in a short amount of time. 

After we meet you will feel innocent again

…incredibly relieved, 

fresh and healthy. 

I will clear away your thoughts so that you can unite with your inner wisdom to receive needed insights.  

As a bonus I will clean your biological system.

Contact the Tree of Life Religious Group, a Church for the Soul to learn more about about how-to methods and assistance with experiencing a journey into the Soul with the assistance of the Tree of Life at  luluverylulu@gmail.com

I did Ayahuasca last night… clearing 2020

I did Ayahuasca last night…  
My relationship with transformational Ayahuasca has changed and evolved exponentially since the summer of 2013 when living my aesthetic life I did 25 journeys to crack the code of Self that one summer.  
Back then I revered the mystical experience of Ayahuasca as if taking the plant medicine then summoned something greater than me to swoop down from the gods of whatever to teach me something.  
Now it’s just a friend and a tool.  I am the Self mirroring with the Other.  The wizard behind the curtain.
 Just another part of me that can be framed in a perspective with the help of a few tools.  
Sorry if that doesn’t sound nearly as exciting, dramatic or scary.  
But that’s what it comes down to when you master anything.  
It’s still never easy: facing what we don’t like, …call it shadows hidden and stuck places…
From the eagles eye all one is really doing is accepting the great and necessary contrast that makes life happen.  Yet to some degree we tend to go back to our more narrow ways of thinking,
We never want to loose the feeling of Me, Myself and I. 
We greatly fear the idea of objectifying us as “it”,as another biological being that you choose to occupy……that becomes a personality.
and somehow between enlightened moments(and I say moments for a definitive reason)we can’t help to step right back into one or another of the available collective matrix frequencies that represent who is in our lives and what we listen to, and look at.  
A true and deep intimacy with actual reality means hermetically crossing the Great Abyss to empower ourselves from the beliefs we have chosen that are ideal to what is actually real.
Now, back to what went down…
At 3PM this afternoon I got the idea because the non-objectified biological organism that I occupy has been complusively eating a bit morel of sweets lately …plus wants some help with a project that I’ve been very nervous while learning and working on. 
So I pulled out the ground up plant stuff and set it on the counter in the kitchen.
By 9:15 I left my yoga mat with a mug of warm bio-juice and crawled into bed with a playlist of lyrical music next to me. 
Slightly apprehensive, wondering what might go down because with Ayahuasca “you get what you need”.
Then I got a random idea and plugged-in my earbuds to listen to a Hemi-sync meditation to balance the sides of the brain.  
I wondered what would happen….
Then I chugged down the plant material juice, pushing it past my tongue to avoid the taste whilst making a strong intent of relaxing as much as possible to hold down the yucky nostalgia of tossing-up-my-cookies for at least some good minutes until it could settle somewhere deeper and get to work.  
I stayed carefully sitting up, tried to relax and didn’t move at all to not disrupt the heated flow, as it descended down into digestive processes.   
Then I pushed play and let the Hemi-sync go to work.
It activated the right AND left sides of my brain using synchronizing sounds on a certain frequency Within a short time it allowed me to drift into a trance like, deep sleep state whilst also aware and awake.  
Did you know tribal cultures use drums and other types of sounds to do the same thing.  In Bali Kecak two groups (one dressed in black/the other white) make alternating sounds that when listening in the center, form one sound putting them into a trance and do a play representing the gods warring and dancing the dark and the light making life happen. Example here https://youtu.be/2hJEAySptME
I am so entirely grateful I can simply put earbuds on and do this in the privacy, comfort and security of my own home (with powerful alkaloids to assist).  
The Hemi-sync was the perrrrfect segway into the journey! I can’t believe I never thought of this before!!  
It helped me relax and within minutes I was able to slip down into the comfort of my covers, shut my eyes and relax deep into my inner space. 
 INNER SPACE, that what Ayahuasca is used for, key words here. 
The hemi-sync supported what is needed for the entry into a most powerful journey to “let go”.  https://youtu.be/HwgqDEA7zLA
By the end of the 15 minute Hemi I was already experiencing the telling body sensations that come with the entry into a journey.  
Variations of sensations which are interesting and also not at all comfortable.  Necessary adjustments if you will. In some weird way I was also loosing touch with my body.  I took the earbuds off as the sync had ended and something random on youtube had begun playing next.   
This time the body sensations included: hot, cold, random blips and pulses, slight tremors, increased heart beats, sensations in the top of the head… 
…and finally when things were worked out physically enough to open up the pineal channel, the sensations settled down and the visuals started to come on.  
But it was dark and pretty yucky uncomfortable, A sensation of visuals and less visual then sensation.  Darkish behind the eyes.  I knew what was coming, grabbed the little bucket next to me.  I vomited some seriously cruel bitter bile and salty mixture.  
I’m always amazed at the tastes, this time bitter and salty something that backs up from some deep place inside the upper digestive track.  I had only eaten a plain avocado around mid-day.  
Bitter and Salt.  In TCM you can look up the emotions that relate to the organs/tastes such as worry, grief, anxiety, anger/aggression and fear.  If you taste metal your dealing with grief, etc…no grief for me this time.  
All of these need to be in balance for the magnetic heart to work properly.The hearts emotion is Joy.  I saw later in my journey self-projected aggression which tends to overact on the stomach, i.e. craving of sweets or a subconscious need to soothe and nurture the self.  
After that there was a great relief and my inner-scape lit right up!  
There was a colorful, dancing circus of interesting activity all happening behind my eyes.  Fascinating and pleasurable with a plethora of outrageous symbolism I’m always still learning about.    
One thing the Hemi-sync did for me was it allowed me to slow down the inner-scape (or perhaps it was really that I was able to keep up with it) to interpret and remember some of the images and symbols even better.  
Typically it is moving very fast and at best impressionable akin to poetry. 
To be able to zoom in on a piece of moving information and get understanding of it makes the journey into consciousness not just a journey out of unconsciousness and clearing, but that when you go back out into the world, you might not re-create and need to clear that thought-form and behaviour yet again. 
I’ll leave you with that.  
I’m all about transformation so that I can be more.  Nothing holding me back.  
How about you?
If you want to do Ayahuasca you can contact me.  
But I’ll warn you, I’m a huge pusher of SOLO journeys.  
If the biggest chicken and non-drug user chicken in the world could do it, and eventually master it as a friend and a tool…
…than you can too.  
Quite frankly, playing a role of a guide isn’t really my thing.  The people I’ve guided wouldn’t have needed me if I wouldn’t have been there.  In fact my being there was a hindrance to their faster realization.  Call it a sympathy absorption.   
It’s a pretty boring job, standing by, actually.Our culture is far ready for Solo journeys.   
Check out my other blog here is a post on Solo’s and about everything you would need to know.  
If you want to get a kit from me they are $30, and include step by step instructions. 

Much Love,


Contact mthe Tree of Life Religious Group, a Church to learn more about about how-to methods and assistance with experiencing a journey into the Soul with the assistance of the Tree of Life at  luluverylulu@gmail.com

Ayahuasca Message Nine


Yes, that message sounds a bit hokie to my own ears, but then I was never that endeared by terms with the word “Light” in them either.  After all, Crusifictions and grumpy Gurus and things of that nature used to come to mind, but regardless, it came about for me on the evening of Sunday June 29, 2014.

At 7:20 PM I ingested a combination of ground up, root bark from an invasive tree and some magical plant seeds, that apparently grow a beanstalk to heaven, to send myself into what would be my ninth Ayahuasca Journey.  This would also be my eighth SOLO Journey, meaning no one wearing a Shaman hat for my perceived guidance and comfort ,and no one standing by as a sitter should I need to rant about my journey as it’s happening.  This would also be my very first, courageously braved Journey without Music, which also acts as a guide.   (You can read below for more information about what happened leading up to this Journey).

dimmer-switch-400x400So… yes, I did say Power of the Light, and I did say Controller of the Dimmer on the Light switch.

How I love dimmer switches!  They are like magic!  A dimmer switch makes a room vibrant, full of options vs turning it all the way down and feeling uncomfortable as choices become limited and you might even have to grope about to find your way, perhaps in fear.

Well, it was clearly shown to me, how “the dimmer switch of life” was under my control.  In this journey, I had become my own guide.



The early part of this Journey began with my turning music on and off, feeling irritated by one song, changing to another, and trying to make peace without using it while turning it off again and on again.

Getting comfortable about trusting the Journey without music, was a new challenge for me.  Feeling the normal agitation that comes up, the uncertainty, and allowing myself to turn music on, is soothing.  So, I turned it on, if but temporarily.  Committing to doing what felt best in each moment with the anticipation of being comfortable enough to turn it off at some point soon for a different kind of journey.

article-2260778-16B3C3A9000005DC-504_634x354As the feeling the dizziness came on along with an intensity of body sensations so did the beginning of the sense of losing oneself.

While waiting impatiently with an eye-pillow to black out my eye-sight, interesting body blips happened!  The kind where your limb moves but you didn’t do it.  As energy moved in my body, I liked it and felt more comfortable.  So I turned the music off.

Now, a few minutes later I didn’t like the fear that then arose with a visual that the floor would open up and I would disappear as I am swallowed by a black hole! Eeek, I turned the music back on!

Apprehension was more noticeable because with no music to distract me or guide me away from my own thoughts the feeling shows in the form of beginning visuals (thus the black hole).  I set the intention to allow that to just be ok and to trust the process.  Reminding that whatever happens will be right.  I was hoping in the back of my moment of cowardly consciousness, that nothing will happen and I’ll have a dud Journey.  No expectations, no resistance. I Surrender to the process.  Those are always helpful statements during a Journey.   Black holes could even be very cool to experience, right?  Ah, feeling betterI turned the music off.  This is one example of the way we shift our thoughts to change the experience of a Journey and how we need to apply that to real every day life.

Next came the dependable and valuable indicator of that feeling of nausea from the merging of dark energies with the plant medicine.  As it came on it synchronized with the co-insiding deeper unconscious awareness of a belief and thought lurking in my psyche and will soon be unveiled.  Showing me “what makes me nauseous” on emotional and mental levels.  This idea can be difficult to grasp, but it’s quite obvious once you begin to experience the Journeys. You won’t be purging just semi-digested bark pulp and seeds.

The sense of darkness in and around me became a pervasive oppression, casually drifting and moving about and around me.  It feels really yucky.  I’m saying, it is so disgusting, just so you know.  To see it and feel it in this way is dreadful enough that it MUST to be acknowledged.  In every day life we habitually operate without needing to acknowledge the same energies that are forced upwards and make us sick in a Journey.  Perhaps we are judging something that irritates us in ourself or others, but we do not have the obvious awareness from the heightened sensations that we can feel it in our body and the visuals we can see during a Journey.

The moment of awareness there is Acknowledgement of it, allows it to Expand, and thus the state necessary to purge arises and becomes greater and greater.  Pushing something away that is a deeply held limiting belief, will keep a nauseous feeling active without purging.  It is best to ask for clarity so it can be released.

2889914My thoughts that drifted, were played back for me, it was only moments later when I noticed how just ONE word, I won’t tell you the word because I want you to imagine your own word, and it could require more explanation, but that ONE word would cause the darkness to darken even more.

Aha! I thought, there we go…I was aware of this darkening of energy and then it was time to steer it, or so I thought. Steering that word, into a different belief wasn’t working, it was too far from the truth I had experienced in the past, and created. I tried a different word, and that had yet another problem belief, the energy darkened yet again.   In fact I was firmly showing me how stubbornly I perceived those two three letter nouns and the dark energy continued to pervaded me.

“We must take care in the Spells we weave with our thoughts and words. It is our “Spell-ing”.

alteredview6I became more nauseous. I decided to give up on changing it, and in that moment, of letting go, hindered emotions surfaced, desires that were unaware became found and to the surface tears came.

I was blown-away at the clarification and confirmation, as I let go!

I was able to percieve the awareness of my vibration shifting (tears are a natural response to a sudden shift in vibration/frequency, and can be higher or lower) and BOOM, the dimmer switch went up as it lightened the energy pervading me and around me as everything became light and beautiful. Just like that, that fast!

When I say light and beautiful, it is some kind of unexplainable bliss that makes me feel child like.  I’m certain this is what the word “enlightened” was supposed to be!  This does not mean, that I am healed of that belief of that “word” and enlightened entirely in my whole being about every subject forever more.  It does mean I have a fresh start on that word/belief.  I can now choose to focus on that word/subject, in a way that fits with the Light.

That was just the beginning of a full conscious awareness of the Journey I call:

The Dimmer Switch.

A few more troubling “words” came up and when I told my daughter, she giggled.   I will keep it a mystery, so you can be creative.   One was so dreadful to me I vomited/purged in the very moment that I thought it.

“Be en-Lightened about the Interpretation of the Thoughts we think and of the Words we use as they become our Inner voice.” 

images-6Many, many other awareness around different topics came about over the next few hours.  I was fascinated at how quickly one thought would darken the energy around me and inside of me, making me nauseous and also how quickly I could release the resistance and return to an most incredible state of feeling light, free, surrounded and permeated by beautiful and refreshing energy.  Each Journey has offered this experience in some form.

By 12:20AM, four hours later, the support of the plant energy had worn off and I could no longer view and witness the dark/light of the Dimmer switch, though I knew, the reality I was living was happening just like this Journey, all the time.  This wasn’t “really” a journey, anymore than my hundred thoughts in the last ten minutes as I write this, it’s a journey.

280637However, I was back to relying on my facilities of feeling my way, without the body sensations and creative visuals.  I’m fortunate, I still have my emotional guidance which works quite well at times. The more I fine tune it and shift without the help the less I’ll use the tool of Ayahuasca.  But I will always be ready to use it, to re-enlighten myself as needed.  Ayahausca gives me more confidence to take on more challenging, interesting and ever changing life experiences, knowing I have a tool to recover and return to.

In this beautiful, non music guided Journey, I was so pleased to have the added benefit of finally being able to, through my own guidance, confirm  beliefs I had chosen long ago but had, in doubt, wavered in and out of over the past years.

Because I could really witness the change of dark to light without the music added, I had more connection and awareness to my personal beliefs, thoughts and emotions.  I know that the change in my energy, is the best gage to the truth that will make me the most healthy and joyful.

I love having at tool to confirm and find answers.  This simple, yet so profound adding of senses that Ayahausca offers I am SO appreciative for.  I am ever appreciative of the videos, the information on the internet and the person who directly brought this into my life.

In a journey, the light does not lie, as you move into it, you feel amazing.  You are connected to your source, your spirit, your soul, and at the highest points, the oneness of all that is.

Connected in daily life, takes focus and a willing to change but you will be healthy and well, humorous, vibrant and joyful, and whatever else you want to be, when your energy shifts.

When it is so powerful, so strong, so sure that it dominates your world, the world will change, others will reflect you –instead of you reflecting them.

May Ayahuasca continue to journey me into the light.  I am ridiculously appreciative of this opportunity to share with you.


Ok.. so for those who are interested, here is what happened leading up the the journey (about a reaction with the “green-bitch”  ;-).

Eleven days had passed since my last ayahuasca journey and I had built up plenty of apprehension about this journey. I had even bailed on last nights journey, and ate two large fish taco’s instead. I knew there was a problem with my energy as I was starting to forget what it was that had caused me to commit to making Ayahausca journeys a practice for life, and I didn’t feel driven to get to it.

Two days after my last journey I went to Blue Stargate, an outdoor music festival, for a weekend. I had found a massage table on craigslist and set it up under the DJ/Sound Booth Shade, offering massages mainly to people who had worked hard in the past few days setting up the festival. Getting a massage table was a good indicator that my vibe was rising.  My Ayahausca journeys were bringing me back into the joy of offering my personal gifts, as I had stopped massaging under the pretense that as an empath, I felt others energy too much and couldn’t keep my own energy balanced.

I went to take a break from massages, with a friend.  We sipped on a white, wine spritzer in my camper and nibbled on what turned out to be a very strong ganja cookie.  It wasn’t much, so I didn’t expect any effect, which I know this sounds retarded but that is what I wanted, no effect.  Yes, so why did I nipple?  Because it was a “cookie” ugh d’oh, I love cookies!!!

Well, marijuana was on the problematic list to strictly avoid in combination with Ayahuasca, as many other drugs are, for the two weeks before and after a journey. Because I don’t like to smoke it anyways, I hadn’t included it consciously in my protocols.  Plus I was kind of testing all the traditional Dieta rules looking to oust any taboos and if I was I user, I probably would have tested it anyways.

Well, this ended up being a valuable lesson for me and really taught me what I had already suspected and felt about about pot.  I had a terrible reaction to it. I became extremely dizzy in 30-40 minutes and had to stay completely in a lying down position. Whenever I opened my eyes, I would grasp as I was falling.  The seemingly harmless nibbled on cookie had messed up my equilibrium in a very dark and disturbing way. I could not move for 24 hours without the room spinning, and when the room spun I became nauseous.

The following afternoon, when I finally inched my way back into the festival, my happy vibe was smashed and I felt stoned in horrible way.  The next day, I left the festival and went back to my retreat to lick my wounds and recover.  It took four days before I felt no affects.  I could tell it would be well-enough out of my system to journey in a few more days, however I wasn’t entirely back to my higher-perspective that I felt after the last journey.  I never liked pot much, had found it to be a bit of a downer for me most of the time, and now after this experience, I was committed to eliminating it from my life forever more.

GrahamHancockReconnectWithSpiritAyahausca is known to be a cure for drug addictions, and now I understand why!  Graham Hancock told his story on a Ted Talk, of a dramatic addiction reversal from a 24 year pot habit that had gone beyond just “paranoid” in recent years. He shares what happened after smoking pot after an Ayahausca journey and that might explain why he now refers to it as the Green Bitch.

Fast forward now to yesterday. Most of the music I played was bothering me, and the few videos I watched were more irritating than enjoyable.

I felt troubled and stuck emotions leading up to it. I was even looking for excuses about why I shouldn’t bother with the journey.

At 7:20 PM I took the medicine anyways, remembering how when sick (as I was during my first journey) it was the best time for it’s cure.

I felt emotionally sick though it’s manifestation had only gotten so far as tiredness and lethargy.

The moment after I took it, I still had thoughts like, maybe I’ll throw it up right away and be able to eat dinner instead. Anyways, that’s what happened leading up to it, I had dropped into the abyss.

Additional Note: I read how at an Ayahausca healing center in Peru with years of experience has noticed that when pot is used by only one person, it effects the entire group journey in a very negative way.  It’s said to have Darkening and stupefying effects on the Journey. Based on the effects I had I agree with that statement.

May we all continue our Journey into the Light in whatever way most compliments our desires.

Contact the Tree of Life Religious Group, a Church to learn more about about how-to methods and assistance with experiencing a journey into the Soul with the assistance of the Tree of Life at  luluverylulu@gmail.com

Ayahuasca Message Eight

I wanted to know, how does it work!

How do these seemingly simple plants become super-powers of reuniting our fragmented soul?

“Look for what it does best in it’s natural environment, and you will find it’s gifts in medicine.”


Peganum Harmala is little white flower that can be used in place of Banisteriopsis Caapi aka the Ayahuasca Vine. You would never guess it’s power at a glance! Though it only grows 6 inches high, it can search for water in the earth running root vines that are up to 9 feet deep!! If that’s so, than imagine what it can do for your soul!

Caapi always has the water it needs as it is in the jungle, but it climbs towards the sun “light” because it lives under a heavy canopied jungle.

Peganum Harmala has all the sunlight it would ever want, but it drives itself deep into the earth in it’s search for water.

Water always represents emotions, and all require light.  Both plants have the power to support your souls Emotional work that starts in the dark and returns to the light.


Contact the Tree of Life Religious Group, a Church to learn more about about how-to methods and assistance with experiencing a journey into the Soul with the assistance of the Tree of Life at  luluverylulu@gmail.com

Ayahuasca Message Seven


Ayahuasca Journeys help unveil those seemingly illusive Vibrations that keep us from our actualizing our true desires.

There are movies like The Secret that came about because it appears as if our Vibrations are camouflaged or have somehow been deliberately hidden from us.

The truth is that they can be unveiled moment to moment in our everyday life through our emotions but we have trained ourselves away from feeling our emotions, and trusting them.  We also distract ourselves from them with what can become addictions ranging from excessive: shopping, alcohol and drugs to socializing and over-working.

Our Vibrations are created from an ever changing collision of our Intentions, Thoughts, Actions and Beliefs. Our belief s are simply, yet profoundly, made up by the thoughts we keep thinking regardless of if they fit with our desires. When a Belief conflicts with a Desire, we have a scrambled Vibration and universal forces deliver what matches that, which usually ends up being what we then refer to as a hard lesson or perhaps in extreme cases, the wrath of god!

When those occurrence happen we often lose even more trust in our self and drift even farther away in confusion. the-triumph-of-galatea-detail-1514Nevertheless, these Vibrationally sensitive forces are always responding to us regardless.

We must consistently attempt to synchronize ourselves back to our True Desires through awareness of our emotions.

When we allow our emotions to arise in an Ayahuasca Journey we naturally redirect our Vibration and without trying, we move from dark to light, literally.   We can see it and feel it.

When that happens whether it’s in an Ayahusaca Journey or in every day life, everything begins to reorganize itself to match our desires, from supportive external forces to our internal cells bringing us more health and well being in our life.

The more our Vibration can be observed the more we can deliberately redirect with our thoughts and change our beliefs as well.

The universe responds only to our Vibrations which we can’t see.  Fortunately, unlike real life, our various frequencies on subjects that make up our Vibration can easily be felt, SEEN and experienced in Ayahuasca Journeys.

During regular life experiences we only have our emotions as our guide to what is keeping us from changing our Vibration to connect us to our knowing self which can then guide us towards desires.

imagesOf course, when we feel bad, depressed and get sick we have manifested deeper and/or longer habitual states of disconnection and have a much more difficult time softening up enough to see it.

During an Ayahuasca Journey our disconnected habits that are hidden in our psyche that become our Vibration we now feel in our body in an undeniable way.  We get uncomfortable body sensations such as cold, heat, trembling and nausea.  We also get visuals which assists us to identify what it is that is not harmonious and disconnects us from our soul self.

A Journey can be seen as it darkens and lightens, literally, as we purge and cleanse what was not in harmony with the greater part of us. When we purge we release the burden of resistance and move into the light, even if so temporarily.  We don’t necessarily change our belief at that moment but we can if we are aware of what we our purging means in relation to our true desires. When we do and the more dramatically we shift our states from dark to light, the more likely we are to experience euphoric states and states that can even include full body orgasms!

Vibrational adjustments are most likely going to be easier to do during an Ayahuasca Journey than in everyday life unless we have mastered our awareness and focus like the Dhali Lama has.

With Ayahuasca, you cannot easily escape the knowledge and awarenesses of your own Vibration as in everyday life!

Contact the Tree of Life Religious Group, a Church to learn more about about how-to methods and assistance with experiencing a journey into the Soul with the assistance of the Tree of Life at  luluverylulu@gmail.com

My First Ayahuasca Journey

Journey 1, Saturday, May 3, 2014

Pineal-Gland-Portal-of-Higher-Dimensions-1I experienced my first Ayahuasca ceremony this weekend and it was indeed, a Journey into healing. There is SO much healing that happened both physically and emotionally, though that was witnessed as one in the same.

It was was if I saw myself and eventually others through the all-seeing-eye, as the pineal gland activated and having entered the state that we also experience at birth and death.  During the journey I felt like a small vulnerable child at times as I was mesmerized by the visuals and music that assisted in guiding me to the messages of hope and love.

I also must admit was quite terrifying at times facing a series of beliefs that I held on tight to as lies that disconnect me from the great source of love. The imagery to understand what was keeping me away from my connection to my Soul or Source, was shown to me through fascinating visions and Symbols that flashed before me in black and white.

The music!  Oh the music!  It became alive, speaking to me of my fears, hopes and dreams. Several times my entire body was overcome with relief having rejoined my source in a state of love, each time a lie was seen in truth.  As a song would begin with a limiting story, I would shift, and it would end sounding like the most beautiful thing I have ever heard. Every pluck of the string was euphoric to my ears.

751px-Dmt_by_cobalt358-d1whv7cI was guided, by a beautiful spirt that conversed with me. This image to the left, was somewhat representative of the moving mass of energy I could see around me and interacting with me.

The entire four hour journey? ….well,  it was a lot of work! Beautiful, frightening, tear-wrenching, heart-tugging, beautiful work, which all compiled into the state of surrendered, RELIEF of limiting beliefs!

It was hardly what one could call recreational in any sort of way. Through the loving and guiding support of a friend who played the Shaman, who also became a fear to face during the journey, it was indeed, a purging, a cleansing and incredibly healing in a way that I couldn’t have even imagined!

Ayahuasca gave me exactly what I needed, and brought me back into love. Today, I feel like I am my truer self: more energetic, more appreciative, more vibrant, more happy and joyful, more compassionate, more trustful, more free and anticipating of good things in life.

I hope that my sharing this will encourage anyone who reads it to join me in the experience of Ayahuasca to become renewed, reborn and re-loved though this powerful plant medicine!  I know I must make Ayahuasca a part of my life and learn everything I can learn from it!

Contact the Tree of Life Religious Group, a Church to learn more about about how-to methods and assistance with experiencing a journey into the Soul with the assistance of the Tree of Life at  luluverylulu@gmail.com

Ayahuasca Message Ten


In my eighth journey there was no Guide.

After the first few Journeys those magical spirits and energies that were so powerful in my earliest Ayahauasca Journeys had begun to fade.

As Journeys continued the presence of these spirit guides diminished more and more until it was understood and accepted by me, that they were aspects of my creation and with the awareness comes the change.

Well, now they were entirely gone.

The awareness of myself as my own guide, become undeniable.

DownloadedFileAt one point when a message came through and I posed the question “who said that”.  Visuals shifted and a room appeared.  I saw myself sitting in a chair that slowly pivoted around to face me. I was like, ugh, that’s me!  I was disappointed in a way!

That reflective power, it can be difficult to accept.  And yet, how powerful to know that I am the One.

I was entering an experience for a Realization that had previously been only “intellectualized”.

A greater, more expansive, older, wiser self that ebbs flows and merges with other energies, all which lead to the great energy that merges into One was me, was in me and was with me.  I guess it goes with that old famous saying “…I am the Father and the Son…” thing

To Be the parent of our self is not easy to accept.

An awareness of the power of our full on participation in creation, isn’t something that thrills us on all levels, because the childlike part of us, that is in this physical body, wants to feel guided, taken care of and comforted in the arms of a creator that is larger than us, and we need someone to blame when it doesn’t work out. Yet surely enough that is indeed, what is happening.  That guide, that greater being, is made up through the formation of our experiences.  It is our energy make-up and who we have become and are becoming.

oz_manbehindcurtainWe continually create our own Destiny or Fate with our habitual patterns. Once the wizard behind the curtain is unveiled as an aspect of ourself, it can seem far less interesting in some ways. To perceive that it is our own larger self formed by us, which has been formed by our experiences feels like responsiblity.

Sometimes when we become bored with life, because of being unable to manifest desires, we prefer to adopt the idea that we are not in control of our own destiny, it’s more exciting! Fate can seem more adventurous, dangerous and thrilling. Drama is more life-giving than stuck in boredom when life won’t change for you.

Our parent version of us, has an Eagle eye view, a broader view from a higher place that’s not mucked up from the confusion of daily contrast and self-created drama.  It continually offers it’s support but we continue to offer conflicted frequencies that attract various differeing energies.

The confusion for most of us, is that because universal forces and our physical body  responds to our Vibration we feel unsupported.

Well, that’s the thing with Ayahusaca, through the Journeys our awareness grows to how we partner with our parent self and how we attract universal forces.

Contact the Tree of Life Religious Group, a Church to learn more about about how-to methods and assistance with experiencing a journey into the Soul with the assistance of the Tree of Life at  luluverylulu@gmail.com