Ayahuasca Message Ten


In my eighth journey there was no Guide.

After the first few Journeys those magical spirits and energies that were so powerful in my earliest Ayahauasca Journeys had begun to fade.

As Journeys continued the presence of these spirit guides diminished more and more until it was understood and accepted by me, that they were aspects of my creation and with the awareness comes the change.

Well, now they were entirely gone.

The awareness of myself as my own guide, become undeniable.

DownloadedFileAt one point when a message came through and I posed the question “who said that”.  Visuals shifted and a room appeared.  I saw myself sitting in a chair that slowly pivoted around to face me. I was like, ugh, that’s me!  I was disappointed in a way!

That reflective power, it can be difficult to accept.  And yet, how powerful to know that I am the One.

I was entering an experience for a Realization that had previously been only “intellectualized”.

A greater, more expansive, older, wiser self that ebbs flows and merges with other energies, all which lead to the great energy that merges into One was me, was in me and was with me.  I guess it goes with that old famous saying “…I am the Father and the Son…” thing

To Be the parent of our self is not easy to accept.

An awareness of the power of our full on participation in creation, isn’t something that thrills us on all levels, because the childlike part of us, that is in this physical body, wants to feel guided, taken care of and comforted in the arms of a creator that is larger than us, and we need someone to blame when it doesn’t work out. Yet surely enough that is indeed, what is happening.  That guide, that greater being, is made up through the formation of our experiences.  It is our energy make-up and who we have become and are becoming.

oz_manbehindcurtainWe continually create our own Destiny or Fate with our habitual patterns. Once the wizard behind the curtain is unveiled as an aspect of ourself, it can seem far less interesting in some ways. To perceive that it is our own larger self formed by us, which has been formed by our experiences feels like responsiblity.

Sometimes when we become bored with life, because of being unable to manifest desires, we prefer to adopt the idea that we are not in control of our own destiny, it’s more exciting! Fate can seem more adventurous, dangerous and thrilling. Drama is more life-giving than stuck in boredom when life won’t change for you.

Our parent version of us, has an Eagle eye view, a broader view from a higher place that’s not mucked up from the confusion of daily contrast and self-created drama.  It continually offers it’s support but we continue to offer conflicted frequencies that attract various differeing energies.

The confusion for most of us, is that because universal forces and our physical body  responds to our Vibration we feel unsupported.

Well, that’s the thing with Ayahusaca, through the Journeys our awareness grows to how we partner with our parent self and how we attract universal forces.

Contact the Tree of Life Religious Group, a Church to learn more about about how-to methods and assistance with experiencing a journey into the Soul with the assistance of the Tree of Life at  luluverylulu@gmail.com


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